Wednesday, April 13, 2011

LIBRARY not really usefull the books they had were very vage and we were not allowed to even go onto the computers never going back to that library agiain
hahahahahahahahahaha saw a few groups in the internet cafe and the library today everyone is working on their project
sex sells neh...jhor some ads are just really interesting...
getting there slowly but surely...i can see the light at the end of the tunnel heaven we are getting there almost done just a little while longer

we done!

WE DONE!!!!!!

we are officially!!!

dont drink and drive people or you will become part of the statistics...jhor did you know that shebeens still sell alcohol to miners...lets take on the shebeens...<angry face>


we are close to finishing.


We are officially sort in information for the history! *screaming help*


Im so over this project!! *noooo sleep for days*

Day of Doom

We met up today, we got a lot done exchanged information and all!
blogging is kind of cool

Meeting up:D

We meeting up this weekend to put some of our project together, but the thing is that we having trouble finding history of alcohol in the 1960's. I went to the library and found some information which can be helpful a bit I guess. As it has the history of alcohol from B.C and how it is formed and who was the first person to come up with the idea of alchol and how it is supposed to be used.

Whats interesting is that the first creation of alcohol is fermentation for e.t.c Wine, beer making, then later came the idea of using a lot of ethanol to create a distilled kind of alcohol which is stronger and more dangerous than the fermintation.

The library is helpful after all:):) thats to the very understanding library assistant!!

Thank you very much you have officially made my day!!!
we need to meet up again to put together and sort out everythihg...we bought a CD disk but are not sure if it is going to take in our project...what if the computer does not pick the disk up oh gosh...stress stress stress
personal clashes...oh gosh here we go again stress levels are unbelievably on a high
improvment improvmen finaly getting somewhere:):):):):):)aaaaaah...stress levels have gone down but the tension is still in the air


Is it Fair to say this project is a lot of stress? *thinking face*

We on a roll!!

We have officially started our english project, but its kind of confusing a lot.
yet another day im sooooooo sick of the computer room you cant belive it...not much found
we have to get together and finish this holiday yet again tear tear


My group member got a reply from the person they emailed, we were so excited.But it wasnt the kind of reply we wanted but I guess its better than nothing because she is the only one in the group that got a reply!!
wow alcohol hmmmm not much history on it but so many consiquinces sad very sad

Feeling Sad:(

Im Feeling sad because the company I emailed hasnt replyes and I doubt they are going to reply anytime soon but I guess im going to have to find another alternative:(:( *crying face*
reasearch reaserch reasearch oh my oh my stress levels rising oh<huge sigh>
sadly no reply form my copmany

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

advertising project..the end

I have to say that this project seemed very long at first and apart from that, it was really confusing. It seemed like it was not spercific enough for everyone because everybody ws going around asking what to do.

 When my group and I actualy started on the project we got a better understanding on what was needed to be done but still were not sure if that was what we were actually doing and wether we were doing it correctly. The biggest problem we had was the creating a camapaign bit. Only at the end of the project we realised that we actually had to make our own original name and brand of the alcohol we were then to use in our campaign. So ofcourse we were runing out of time.

Doing the adverts from over was not as hard and long as I thought it would be.So again i found myself enjoying it.
The history of alcohol was a very hard to find. All the siteds seemed to say exactly the same thnig. We tried to stay as patient as we could with finding history that is efficient enough to have a report back on. So instead of one of us looking up the history we decided to all do it together.
I finally found an old alcohol advertising campaign by pure luck and so focused my history on it.

Putting the whole project together was a real stress reliever because now we were sure to finish on time. It was like a load off our backs.I have to say that this project has tought me alot about group work and time management. That sometimes it is better to do things by urself and time is everything.The project has also taught me to read through instructions carefully because there would never have been a problem with time if I  had taken the time to read thouroughly. Irony intended.


I'm putting everything together now and after a lot of work and stress I have finally finished the project. At first I had some negative thoughts about the project; complaining that it's very long, and having some difficulty getting some information on the history of alcohol. In the begining I thought it was a good topic and I will have lots to say and do about it. Also thought about the variety of alcohol there is, how its impacting our society in a positive and negative way and since it hasn't been banned or suspended, how good is the profit the companies make from it.

As soon as things were not going as good as I thought they would I started panicing, I couldn't get enough information and I was having trouble with meeting up with my group members.
I have learnt a lot from this project and one of the things that has stood out for me while doing my research was that heavy drinking that previously wasn't possible is a result to alcohol being easily accessable. It is not as hard as it was before to get hold of alcohol and regardless what your age is, what is important to business owners today is the money that they will be receiving and don't give much thought to what effects their actions might have and the effects that occur to ordinary citizens. I'm not saying selling alcohol is a bad thing or that alcohol should be banned in South Africa because most people enjoy it but it's the effects and what it causes when abused!

I have enjoyed hearing what other had to say about their own topics that they have chosen and also giving my opinion about the project. Blogging has been so much fun and has actually been the best part of the project.
Sinazo Ngwenya

almost there

Tried to find some relevant history on alcohol. Not sure how much i've succeded.Time to put everthing into a powerpoint presentation now and get the oral ready. I left the decorating the powerpoint bit to the girls because it is definately not my area of expertise.

more history

Now that i am almost finished with everything else,I'v decided to try and get more sufficient history on alcohol. Not that it is going very well right now. Oh well,better luck next time


Did some constructive research with the girls while on holiday.Yes,had to come all the wy from kuilsriver to Wyberg,but i have to say it was kind of fun.Now that we know what each person is doing it is kind of easier to make sence of it all

finished the what?

Okay,so the adverts are finished but now im not sure what should go with which. Im being told that we all should have one advert of our own,but now my question is,does this advert count as one of the three,and if so, do they all go together in the powerpoint?

the adverts

Okay I have to admit that this part of the project was kind of fun,considering the fact that all that was needed is creativity.Only problem? I still dont know wether im supposed to make our own alcohol campaign or not. So,I'v just gone with usin one that is a creative way. The only bit of thinking that was really needed for this bit waa how to go about it. Like how I could find a way to make them all link and how to make them advert like without any motion/movement. No time to make a video.


Who knew that looking up the history of alcohol would be so hard. All the informtion that i have found is very basic and it all says the same thing. Before the sixties alcohol was used in medicine and after that it was used as a stress realiever for the soldiers coming from war. Thats it. All it shows are timelines of how alcohol consumption has increased over a few decades.

Still not really sure

I understand the fact that we are required to make three advertisements but now i am not sure wether they have to be an 'original' or if it has to be a known campaign.Are we supposed to make and design our own campaign or are we using and promoting one that is already there?

New discovery

So, as I was busy looking up  information for the history of alcoholal, I came across to some very interesting facts and statistics that in the 1930s, people were not allowed to drink spirits and licensed drinking areas like bars were not as popular as they are right now. What I found very disturbing was that here in South Africa, children as young as 13years old are already exposed to drinking alcohol.

dont know what to do

Okay..Im starting this project so late and I dont even know what to do.I was not here when they explained it..both times. So now,basically im confused. My group seems to know what our product has to be but is not sure how to go about it.The begining is a total delay.

Monday, April 11, 2011


At first I was doubting the blogging part of the project and didn't understand the point of it. Now to my pleasant surprise I'm actually enjoying it and didn't actually know it could be this fun!! It's amazing how much fun one can have with technology! :) Great to hear all about other people's findings and their opinions about the project!!

So confused

Uhm I'm unfortunately having some difficulty understanding some parts on what exactly to do for this project. There are so many things to do and don't know how to do them. How many of our own adverts are we suppose to do? Are the total number of adverts in a group suppose to be 3 or must each person make 3 adverts of their own? Oh and what exactly must be in the disk, the whole project or the adverts that the group has done? huh, I'm so tired of this and I really can't handle it anymore!

so stressed

Very nice project but too long. I have to say though that the research that I have done is very interesting and I ahve definately learnt a lot about alcohol that I had no idea about and find very fascinating. I haven't been able to find a lot of information though, which is increasing my stress levels but I'm not going to give up, I'm going to continue my search!

Almost finished.

Hey guys. :)

So I've come to the end of this project, I've just finished making my advert, and I found that I actually really enjoyed it. I had originally had a pretty negative attitude towards the prjoect as it was really big, but as I worked through it I found it was quite fun.

Through the research I did when looking for information and ideas for my advertisement, I realized just how ignorant and weak people must have been under cigarette advertising, and how manipulative advertisers were, making something so harmful seem so inviting.

Malboro used "The Malboro Men" to advertise their cigarettes. They were three different men, who all eventually died of lung cancer. Oh the irony.

There are many clever anti smoking posters and campaigns on the internet which was helpful. I found that most promotion of anti smoking is heavily satirical and makes fun of smokers in a clever way, showing how smokers take no notice of the damage they are doing to themselves.

I discovered  a website for art and design pieces, and found that someone had actually used the idea of anti smoking as their theme. They designed cigarette boxes which make you not actually want to buy them.

How ironic, my dad just lite a cigarette in the other room. When will people learn?
Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying the "holidays"
Frankie. :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

There is light

Although there are many negative thoughts about the way women are portrayed in advertisements, especially the major clothing companies, there is a new outlook on these adverts. For example Levis has created a new campaign, the Levis curve ID called ‘believe’. This is an initiative to make women of all shapes and sizes change the way they perceive their own body shapes and to feel comfortable and more confident in their jeans. The reason behind the campaign ‘believe’ was to prevent the frustration that women experience in finding their ‘perfect’ pair of jeans. After completing a study around the world on more than 60,000 women’s bodies, Levi’s Curve ID have created a collection of jeans that women can finally ‘believe’ in. The result is a campaign that respect real women and their curves and encompass an ID book of female figures and the curve jeans to match their figure in every store.

To advertise this initiative, Levis’ local music and entertainment  agency, Matchboxology, was tasked with finding 4 young artists who were confident, sexy and bold in the result of their own success, while they were also connected with courage, integrity, genuineness & empathy, Levi's’ brand name values – and of course demonstrate the 4 different body shapes of the new curve jeans! A long search followed, with the end result being 4 unique South African talents:  DJ Candice Heyns, singer & songwriter Josie Field, lyrical poet & actress Naima Mclean and DJ / VJ Fix Moeti.

Hopefully, in the future these adverts will influence women to worry less about what size they are and indulge more in their unique shapes.

blogging is actually fun

one of the most interesting requirements of the project  for me was the actaul blogging
even though it took some of us to start cracking, its still a fun way to practise our english and to express our opinions

i cant wait to hear everyones discoveries and analysis :)
chelsea o

OH i forgot to mention!

have you noticed how handsome some of the male models are? how much muscle they have compared to actual body fat?
how their hair is perfectly aligned, how sharp their jaw line is or how soft their skin looks and probably feels?
WELL, many of our precious male friends constantly battle with the perfect look too.
maybe this is why they spend so much time in the gym, aiming to bump up there bench mark (i think thats how you say it)

however, they might also realise that some, if not ALL of these images have been photoshoped.
phtoshop is pretty amazing though (the machanism part of it, not the outcome of course), whilst standing in the presence of the reds rugby team,a couple of friends and myself decided to look at the movie posters at cavendish that friday night, and we realised that ashton kutchers toes have been photoshoped and that Natalie portmans arms, legs and toes had been photoshoped too.seriously.
so next time if you  are in the area, just pop on up to the movie house and take a look at the movie poster, perhaps you'll bump into Will Genia too :D

chelsea o

hmmm. interesting, very interesting

after many long and tieresome hours, ive finally manged to come to a conclusion about my bit of our groups oral, which was on lifestyle
its amazing to see how each add has an effect on our lives yet, we dont know it or are aware of it
for instance, when i was younger, i used to think that drinking alchohol was fun because all the adverts made it look so vibrant and exciting i.e all the parties and the beautiful people.yet, we're sometimes so unaware of the dangers that alchohol and smoking does to our body. yet, there's another thing hidden, something that one doesnt even realise at first glance. i'm talking about the super thin models that we glance at while paging through magazines, sometimes telling ourselves that "thats unfair!" and "why is she so pretty?" most people have it in them to tell themselves that they are pretty just the way they are and this model doesnt even exist because she has gone through photoshop. however, you have those who are weaker who look at these pictures below

and actually go through whatever measure needed to achieve this "beauty" therefore dificiencies such as anorexia and bulimia developes. once sees more and more cases like eating disorders because the models have become more thinner as the years has gone on, and these are the models that appear in magazines and are the girls that we point at ans say are unfairly beautiful. HOWEVER, there is a bright side, more people are aware of the situation and has put programs into place such as seventeens" the body peace treaty"-which i have signed, thank you very much and have started employing models that have a fuller natural shape.

i hope this has inspired you
keep typing :)
chelsea o

And they all learned lots about smoking, the end - Nina van Tonder

So finally. After working and researching and typing and laughing about funny youtube videos, and after using up all the cap and soothing our aching fingers from all the typing.

I know we all learned something new and can't wait to hear what the others have to say.

Final post.

FINITO! - Malisa Faustino

Evening EVERYONE:)

It's such a pleasure to write to you all one last time, even though i havent had much time to blog. I AM OFFICALLY DONE!

I have had so much fun working on this project even though i unfortunately didnt get a chance to go with Nabeelah and Courtney on the Cavendish Adventure. My eyes and ears have been opened up WIDE and i have come to the conclusion that the Media is all at fault, seen as though they are never the ones to get blamed.
I recently paged through the Teen magazine, an old version, and was horrified to see one of Calvin Kleins adverts in the middle of the mag...WHy exactly was this put in the mag?
Continueing on...I recently typed in the word and one of the women's brands "Sloggi" and found so many undressed women, only in underwear showing mostly their buttox. There are young teenagers posing for these sorts of things. Do they think its cool to pose like that?

And this advert was on one of the billboards here in Cape Town, travelling on the way to Canal Walk...
As soon as i received this project i was infact very eager to start this project because i infact was looking at these certain things on the internet and i was excited to actually speak to everyone about this and view my opinion.
It was quite difficult working on this project as a group because we didnt have much time during Term 1 to get together and it was even more difficult during the holidays because of Fashion Show rehearsals.
Otherwise, it was a splendid project and i would actually love to do this project again, inorder to receive a response from my letter.
Thank you and can't wait to show you what i and we have researched.

Ever wonder why you see teenagers smoking? Nina van Tonder

Has it really ever occurred to you why teenagers stop smoking? Well here are soon reasons, good or bad, that's for you to decide? And did the banning really do justice?

The result from bans on cigarette advertising has not really done what was expected of it. For example, many teens take up smoking due to peer pressure. They see their friends smoking and think its cool, so in return they experiment too. Sometimes smoking is used to be accepted into a group. Another reason teens are smoking is to be more grown up. Children want to be grown up, or act like older people; in return, they feel smoking will help them achieve this. Marlboro’s tend to be the more adult brand cigarette. People have made the correlation between advertising and smoking because Marlboro is one of the most heavily smoke brands in the world and one of the most heavily advertised. However the correlation has no basis in fact. The only reason that Marlboro’s are the most heavily smoked brand in the world is because they are considered more “adult-like.” People smoke for various reasons. Many of which are not from advertisements of cigarettes. Therefore, there are many factors that add to the problems of underage smokers, and campaigning.

Interesting? I think so :)

E.N.D -Tayla-Lee Chick

So the projects coming to and end. Turns out I realy enjoyed the topic we chose as well as coming to the bottom of advertising and their manipulative ways! Completely changed the way I will be viewing adverts from here on out!
Hope everyone else enjoyed it too!

Tayla-Lee Chick

Smoke up sports viewers!- Tayla-Lee Chick

The last two things you would associate with each other would be sports and smoking right!?...wrong.

Over many years cigaretts brands have been sponcering many huge sporting events such as the Gunstan 500(surfing), Formula One, Peter Stuyvesant Blues(a concert) and Rothman July(horse riding).

Tayla-Lee Chick

Nina van Tonder

Did you know? That cigarette companies spent R39 811 200 000 on advertising every year!! AND tobacco business is the 2nd biggest advertiser in the print media like magazines and newspaper, and the biggest advertiser on billboards! 
I can't believe that a company would spend so much money on advertising, and I think it has sort of paid off, I mean, how many people do you know OR see smoking every day? 

And back in the day, you were allowed to smoke on the airplanes that's why now whenever you fly, they ask you not to smoke and that there are no smoking areas. 

We learn new things every day :)


Seen but not heard - Malisa Faustino

Interesting enough, as i was taking a break away from my preoject i decided to switch on the radio and just relax, without thinking about these upsetting advertisements. As i was just hearing all the songs that were playing, i decided to actually LISTEN for once at the lyrics being used in every song. The majority of the songs i heard we mainly about sex, women, and money and it was upsetting to hear this. It wasn't only the songs, it was the advertisements on the radio...the SEXPO advert and many more, which infact i noticed that they like to say words with double meanings.
It's amazing how, no one complains, no one shares their opinion (just like me), maybe its because we are scared, shy of what they will do or say? or is it because we just won't say anything because we know nothing will happen..?
Yes, the whole point of these sorts of adverts are to catch a certain age group's attention but i don't think its appropriate at all for the youth and generation to come.
They say that adverts or songs dont force a person to be influenced because, after all, you have a choice, and you chose to listen to these sources and be influenced.

DARN YOU ADVERTISEMENTS! no longer listening :)- Tayla-Lee Chick

SO it turns out this project has really opened my eyes! I'm going to be a lot more critical when viewing adverts from now on and choosing to take in their messages they are forcing apon me!

Tayla-Lee Chick

Joe-oh too cool-Camel Tayla-Lee Chick

Joe Camel, a cartoon, used to represent a brand of cigarettes, Camel.
He became a key advertising figure. The Federal Trade Commission ruled that Joe Camel was “Unfair methods of competition…and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce, are declared unlawful.”
They had the power to ban him because they claimed that they used unfair practices in their campaign which attracted children and teenagers to the harmful and addictive product.

ummm not only children like camels Fedral Trade!?

Tayla-Lee Chick

Doctor recommened cigarettes! have you ever!?!-Tayla-Lee Chick

Tayla-Lee Chick

What a laugh!-Tayla-Lee Chick

Recently discovered how humrous cigarette adverts in the past really where!
You should view some on youtube, they are a garanteed laugh!

Tayla-Lee Chick

The "best Christmas present you could ask for...already wrapped"-Tayla-Lee Chick

Father Christmas used to sell smokes, and cigarette companies claim its not targeted towards kids?!? Last time I checked adults dont beleive in Father Christmas? But whatever you say Marlboro!

Tayla-Lee Chick

Cowboy=men will buy Marlboro!-Tayla-Lee Chick


Really interesting to know that before the Marlboro Man Campaign Marlboro was associated with women. The red band that appeared on the box was seen as a dark shade of pink and was seen as feminine therefore they where loosing out on majority of the target audience as more men then women smoked.
In 1954 what Marlboro shifted their emphasis from the actual act of smoking to an image of rebellion by using everyday, successful, good looking men in their adverts they sent the message to the common middle age man . 
They used doctors, builders and the most popular the cowboy and any other characters that people would identify as being the ultimate masculine man.  T
he message sent by these ads where that by Smoking Marlboro you will be self-reliant, independent and free from authority. By creating this idea of a  rebellious, carefree attitude and associating it with Marlboro it become popular because of the risk involved in using it.They also darkened the red on their boxes.
And just like that today Marlboro is the most popular and most smoked cigarette in the world!
The Marlboro Man campaign is still known today as one of the largest and most successful campaigns in advertising history.
The power of a good looking cowboy!
Tayla-Lee Chick

Nina van Tonder

Guys, I don't know if it's just my computer but all the times of the blogs are soo wrong??
Just an observation. :)

Nina van Tonder

One more thing and we are done guys! 
Finally, didn't have much of a holiday. 
See you all tomorrow.

Smoke women smoke!-Tayla-Lee Chick

Really interesting learning about these adverts from the 1990's. Apparently by putting pretty women on adverts, ladies of this time era where dumb enough to buy the brand. For Camal this increased their profits by 7% in a year! Hopefully women of our day and age are slightly more clever then that!


Hi Guys

I am so cross right now because my browser just refresshed and wiped my whole post away!

Well anyway i hope we all have finished our projects and had fun doing it :)

As i can see a lot of people in our class has done GUESS. But why wouldnt we? First of all they have amazing clothes (which most of us cannot afford). And we cannot deny it that whenever we see their advertisements, we melt, it appeals to us and we think to ourselves that wow that guy with the top off is hot or i wish i had her body or maybe even her hair? Some people even think that if we buy those clothes we will look like that or that we could get that guy, and yes peopl do think that. All of that comes down to that rush of hormones, that every individual has. That is the way GUESS wants us to react, they are targetting our hormones in order to get money out of us. Which is a very clever technique, because GUESS today is an international best selling company that has a great income that we admire.

That sort of technique has been used throughout history, we as woman were stereotyped and were portrayed as domestic slaves, as housewives and teachers. We had to let our husband come home to a clean house, that obviously we had cleaned, and a warm cooked meal that we made. We were also known as the baby makers, because our assets attract the opposite sex.

When GUESS started off they only provided products for woman, but as you can see now, they have expanded for men, their adverts attract men too.

The sad thing is that this technique will keep on going on forever and we cannot stop it

Us as woman must stand up straight, be who WE want to be and prove that stereotype wrong!

Thank you so much grade 11W and Ms Kunze for this interesting project :)
Love Hannah
x x x

Saturday, April 9, 2011

be amped

On a lighter note, from my last dismal outlet, our group has a wonderful surprise. However, it's a surprise and this marvelous idea only deserves to be sworn to secrecy


An 'aha' moment as Oprah would put it. I have been thinking, why do we have to be subjected to such bombardment constantly? I'm trying not to be bias, but who was the bright sparkie who came up with advertising of this controlling nature? Were we just completely just a bunch of vulnerable creatures who needed awakening?

Yes, it is an educational factor, but honestly, how far is it going to go? We see things like teenagers in Samoa who've recently been 'connected' to the outside world (and being influenced by western advertising) developing anorexia and bulimia to fit to this standard of perfection that is being portrayed. If only they could really see what they were doing to themselves.

At the risk of sounding too feminist, I say we females join up and take a stand against unforeseeable expectations of how we're supposed to look.
Yours with loving thoughts,

my own trooper

So yes, caught the gastric flu bug, have no clue how. Yet, all through three nights have been continuously working on this project. quite proud, even if I do say so myself.A big thank you to Alessia, Robyn and Chelsea for being so supportive, such dears.


my campaign, very much success. Be ready for a surprise. our group chose a smashing slogan for our campaigns, so excited!

Lesson Learnt - Fatima Dollie

Since my previous blogs never went through, yes i have blog a few more times.

I finally came to the realization after researching women, make up and our bodies; and how we are portrayed across the world. i have come to accept myself for who I am. I was not the creator as to how I want my figure to look, what the size of my breasts should be and/or the colour of my skin. We sometimes have to realize that we are who we are and nobody can change that. Even though we look at all the media images around the world, we have to stand up for ourselves and accept ourselves.

I hope this project broadened everyone's mind aswell. We can thank our teachers for giving this to us (even though it was a tad bit long), being at this critical age where we are exposed to many things in the media, because it has truly broadened our minds.

Upsetting News - Fatima Dollie

I just found out that all my previous blogs, did not go through. That was such a waste of my long essay writing. My blogs were BRILLIANT, if I do say so myself.

Journey of My Progress Project - Fatima

Hello Fellow Classmates.

With my fashion show rehearsals being quite hectic (almost 10 hours a day of rehearsal, everyday of the holiday), I have come to a conclusion that i should've started long ago with the project.

During the course of this term, when we were first handed this English project, it was hard for me to choose  between all the different topics. I felt that all advertising, no matter what the topic of advertising, whether it is alcohol, sex, race and/or age, atleast one of them would affect us in some way. It would affect us negatively or positively.

With my topic being on the subject of women over the years, i discovered a lovely book on "Your first Make up" book, by Bobbi Brown. my first impression before reading any of these make up books, were that they were teaching young girls at a young age already about make up, when they should be enjoying their childhood without any influences and growing up too fast. I then discovered that when reading these books, that people around the world are aware of the generation and that it has changed over the world.

I can finally say that my project is ALMOST done. 

Progress Update!! :-D

hey everyone!

my adverts are finished!.... My anyalysing is finished!!!....
so now, I must just learn my oral :)


Nearly finished!

Wow, it has taken me about 15 minutes to work out how to create a blogpost! Either I'm blind or these holidays have seriously gotten to my head and I've become computer illiterate. But I'm finally on. YAY!

The past two weeks have been so much fun. My group have really gotten into this project, especially when creating our own advertising campaign! Getting my family members involved in the advertising campaign has also made me really excited to see the outcome of this project.

Before this project I never really thought about how women were portrayed in advertising and the effects it has in society. My thoughts were usually, "wow, I want to look and be exactly like her", but now when looking at it into more detail I realise that, yes, I'm not perfect and I will never look that way, but I'm great just the way I am.
With most women's negative attitude and response to 'raunchy' adverts of women, I am glad I don't look that way! Another thing that was a real eye-opener was that now in society a new outlook on women's shapes and sizes is being put into play. Positive messages are being sent out to women saying that size doesn't really matter anymore. Although magazines and tabloids are still encouraging the "stick figure" look, women are fighting back! An example of this is the new Levi's clothing line called Curve ID. This is basically what my group's project revolves around and we will be speaking more about it on Monday.

I am so grateful to have been given this project because I'm accepting myself and my unique shape:)

So that was just a little Ashley inspiration speech and now I have to go and finish off the rest of the project.
Hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday and I will see you on Monday.
I'm also trying to forget the fact that we have an oral for the first day of school which is making me nervous as hell!

Ash :)

the Guessing continues....

hey everyone!

my group and I got together today and the we are proud to say that the  oral and power point is finally finished!!!

Now we just have to analyse the advertisment, and do our own campaigns.
As for my campaign- I'm putting all the pictures that I have found together to form 1 advert... hopefully it will work :-D

oh- we also have to practise our orals.... ;-D
we nearly there!

Treatment of women during 2000-2010

Hey everyone,

I have been working thoroughly through my project, collecting, researching and finalising my work. I have been continuously scanning websites, and i havent noticed much change over the years of advertising, not to my surprise. Women are stil being portrayed as demoralising symbols, from cigarette and alcohol packagings to sexual poses and sexual items. Every where I go, wether it be a block away from home or a long main road i see posters of women in unnatural positions, flyers being handed out (from cavendish) along side the road, about specials at La Senza and if its not these sources of advertisements, its those along the highway BILLBOARDS. I think, from what i have gathered, that the world in general is not shy at all to present the people and especially the youth, with this sort of advertisements. These types of adverts are becoming such a common occurrance that people are finding it so natural and that they are not paying attention to their surroundings and what effect it could have on the youth.
Its desensatising everyone of us...the media moves the boarder line of shock and exposure of people's bodies...slowly...

Nabeelah Orrie - & the advertising continues.

Good morning :)

The joy of almost completing a project that dominated my entire "relaxation time" is too sweet.
My group has come up with quite a nice idea on what to base our campaign on, but today was supposed to be "photo-shoot' day with on of my friends for my part of the advertisement, but sadly she had to back out, other commitments took charge. Hopefully I'll be completed by today & memorizing my oral by tonight. 

Good-luck everybody :) & I'll see everyone on Monday ( oh the excitement is too thrilling) - note*that was sarcasm.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Guess?? Continued

Hey Everyone,

Our group is so close to done
My part of the Oral is complete as well as the powerpoint , so therefore our oral is well on its way to being finished and our Campaigns are going to rock every ones socks offs

Our groups analysing of the adverts are in progress and  we have decided to choose 3 effective ads that we think represent Guess
We are all analysing them , and which ever one has the most points under is the one we will come to conclusion about and discuss on Saturday.

The end is near ,
Robyn Lassen

Guess What?!?

Hey everyone!

My part of the oral is nearly finished and so is the powerpoint for my group.

Analysing of advert...
We have chosen 3 main adverts to analyse and which ever one has the most points under it- is the one we that will do.

The advert ( for my campaign) - well the pictures that I got so far, are amazing (I finally found some) which also has some kind of  link to the Guess adverts!

The end is in sight!!! :-D
Alessia XOXO

Media Comments - Malisa Faustino

Media runs this world. If it wasn't for advertising, nothing would sell.
Now that all of us have researched the whole theme of advertising, majority of us disagree thoroughly that people are being portrayed in a disgraceful and demoralising manner and that we want to, infact we NEED to change the world of advertisement. On the point of change, who of us actually want things to change, seen as though we look at posters of women portraying themselves as objects and infact we look up to it, or if we don't look up to it, we consider buying the product.
If you disagree with this, then seen as though we are the youth and the youth has changed alot in the past, what will we do? Will we protest and if we do, what change will it make? How long will it take us to get rid of these images and horrible symbols? Will we even keep in mind what we have seen and researched, months or years down the line or will we continue our lives, turning a constant blind-eye to all these harmful and influential imageries and how, if we are truely against it, will we convey this message to others?
All these questions are constantly running through my mind and one day, i hope they will be answered and change will occur.

Nabeelah Orrie - Beyond Frustration

After  walking around for 3 grueling hours "interviewing"  women apart of  our society & seeing how many of them actually DON'T have their own opinion about something so influential & that is shaping their society really astonished me.
More men & boys our age had more to say about the topic than the gender being exploited themselves.

Courtney & I were gobsmacked with the answers we received, we were rejected more times than when we actually required any answers at all. We had to plead a case just to record the interviewees 's about how THEY FELT ON WHAT SOCIETY IS DOING TO OUR FEMALE GENDER.  The excuses were ridiculous ; from "hair not being done" to "Can't you come tomorrow?, I promise I'll be here"

We teenagers are more worried about our society than the grown women running it , we are  heavily influenced by what the perfect bodily shaped is & how we need to look; perfect skin , perfect hair, perfect smile, which all is unrealistic to obtain at our age, but we still try to acquire it. Courtney & I interviewed 2 boys (18 & 19) & THEY HAD MORE TO SAY THAN THE GIRLS WE INTERVIEWED! what does that say to us?, it seems that they were more affected by the portrayal of women in advertisement than the women themselves.

For centuries, women have moaned and often rightfully struggled for rights. But what exactly do we mean by rights?  & What is equality in our day & age?  I believe rights have been given but they have also been taken away from us. 

What is the purpose of this advert?
what are we all amounting to?


Thursday, April 7, 2011

A JOB WELL DONE TEAM: Nabeelah, Zayaan, Kamila, Nicole!

My group and I worked every single day of this holiday on our English project. We fooled around a bit, but who doesn’t when working in a group?! We sometimes got frustrated at each other but always had fun in the end! There are a lot of things I learnt from this project and will put it in the form of a list because I tend to find people like reading lists instead of long paragraphs, so here goes!!
  1. There needs to be a leader. Without one everyone would be lost( I say so from experience!).
  2. Never leave things until the last minute(you’ll end up panicking, like my group!)
  3. When Zayaan, Kamila, Nabeelah and myself got bored with this project, our stupid side came out!
  4. E-Mail is very useful!
  5. We had lots of light-bulb moments
  6. We laughed a lot!!


Hey everyone! All our group has to do is get together one more time and practise our oral!
Blogging was fun!
Nabeelah Mo

Courtney Fritz - DISAPPOINTED

After my adventure to cavendish with members from my group I am amazed at how little people, well to be more specific, women of our society have so little to say about something that involves them.

I stood there begging and pleading witht them to give some kind of comment about how they feel about how advertising has evolved, but most of them, almost all, gave me inaddequate excuses. I must say the worst excuse we recieved was the fact that a manager of a shop politely asked us to return the following day so that she can have a chance to do her hair for the interview. Yes - we were stunned too.

Im actually so frustrated because women in our society see what we as young teenagers go through wanting to be that slimmer/perfect, what we will do to achieve it, or even sometimes what many of them would like for themeselves or even a close friend is going through and yet, they have nothing to comment! All we do is sit back and critisize our own society! We have so much to say but do so little - if not nothing at all!

During the Civil Rights Movement, women fought for everything they deserved and now? Now our society has become too layed back and accepting of things they know they disagree with. I interviewed two guys round our age and they had more to disagree about women in advertising than the women themselves. Look, I'm not saying evryone disagrees but seriously?
I am very dissapointed in the outcome we obtained. I was prepared for rejection but not that many, especially about such a big situation!

Older women even girls are exposed to images like this ON THE INTERNET:
These images pop up on their internet pages and they're telling me that they don't ask themselves what their husbands/children/boyfriends/girlfriends think of adverts like this one? And this doesn't bother them?  And they think they're not involved?
There are so many internet sites with so much information about women in advertising and nothing has changed for so long! Young girls, toddlers look up to people on billboards, in advertsing. This affects everyone and yet women have nothing to comment! I know I've genralised in most of my sentences and I'm sorry it just seems as if no one has actually taken a step back and said to themeselves, "wow, is this what we're becoming?" - I won't lie, I sat back too but this project has really opened my eyes too alot. I guess that saying is true. You never do anything about something until it happens in your own home.


Hey everybody

Cant believe the end of this project is so near and my group and I cannot wait to show you what we have researched.

We have found that most Guess advertisements have a theme in them ,the theme I have chosen to focus on is Celebrity Endorsements. I have found that celebritys used in many of Guess adverts are ones that would have a wild lifestyle eg. Anna Nicole Smith or Paris Hilton. These well known Celebs are the image of guess and therefore are the way Guess chooses to represent itself.

Otherwise my group and I's progress is going well and our Powerpoint and Oral is well on its way to being finished. As for our Ads youll just have to wait and see.....

Robyn Lassen XX

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hey everyone,

Ok- a correction from my previous blog- we not quite finished with the power point and the oral. I think, it was because of my excitement that I said that it was done.The end was in sight! (that's why). MOST of it is done!

Oral and Power point
So working on the oral and looking closely at the guess advertisements, my group and I have noticed a couple of "themes." For example- sex appeal, the type of lifestyle (that they promote through the adverts)- like "it's ok to...".

Whilst researching on (black) african models- the majority of them have the african theme and not the glamouras theme. So looking on the guess website, the only african model on there is Naiomi Campbell. (once again the african theme)

Just have to come up with an ending to the oral- therefore the powerpooint will be done soon as well.

The adverts
Still looking for really awsome pictures. 


UPDATE -Nicole Van Louw

Once we had finished our research, our campaign had to be done and we chose to do something which related to the happiness of children and came up with the slogan - DO IT OUR WAY. LET OUR CHILDREN PLAY.
Very successful and brings a strong message across.

Nicole Van Louw:)

Advertisement. - Nabeelah Orrie

Hello everyone :)

I've been brainstorming ideas, googling until i've had spams in my fingers & walked up & down Cavendish to know where EVERY STORE IS for this project. I've been rejected & welcomed by many people to find out what their view is on the advertising of the modern woman & I have come to the conclusion that this project isn't really your regular walk in the park.

I've finally started my advertisement, its been tough trying to set a fixed idea on what i want to do since I've taken the media approach to the advertisement. I have so many ideas that i can't even think straight.
thinking about the concept, slogan & target market is quite mind boggling, but I've come across some tips & wanted to share :)

'The  MAIN purpose of advertising is to promote the products and services to the buying public or the consumers and educate the potential target market about the existence of your business & their specific needs.

The advertisement should be addressed to your typical customers. The captions should be targeted to a typical buyer.

Create a sense of urgency in your product advertisement for the consumers. Seeing your advertising campaign, there must be a feeling of urgent need to take advantage of the product or service right away.

Customers get more convinced if you present the list of product values and benefits on your advertisement. The essence of advertising lies on how well you highlight the advantages the customers can get from your service. No matter how attractive your ad is, if the competitive advantages are not known to the buying public, they will simply end up appreciating how artistically done the advertisement was.

A leading technique is helpful for a successful ad campaign. This means you will help the customers narrow down their options and minimize uncertain decisions of buying the product or not by emphasizing in your ads what the customers can do. They must be educated on what to do after reading your ad campaign. Do not leave them hanging as to where to get your product and how to contact you. Never assume that they will email, call, or visit your store once they see your advertisement."

Nike Adverts - Zayaan Sumsodien

In these adverts, we can see that Nike's slogan is clearly one that is clear and very strong. In the first advert, all we see is two different colours- black and white. This shows the simplicity of what they are trying to portray. The Nike logo, the "swoosh" is very evident and reminds us of the simple tick we get in our test and the major difference it makes. Their slogan, "just do it" encourages everyone to do what their heart tells them to and that you shouldn't have any regrets.

Zayaan Sumsodien

Almost finished!

Hi! Our power point is almost done.
Nabeelah Mohamed

English project progress- Nina van Tonder

Hey guys (:

Hope all is well with everyone.
I was youtubing some videos for our project and found some really great stuff. We took a whole different approach to the whole cigarette advertising and found some really interesting information. And even though there is so much information of what cigarettes do to a person and how unhealthy and bad cigarettes are, the majority of people that smoke have only gone down a little since smoking advertising has been banned. Some companies have even used the ban in their favour and used a more of a psychological approach to encouarge people to smoke. The banning of cigarettes was gradual, they first ban advertising on the radio and TV, then banned advertising on billboards and in magazines and it progressed until all media advertising was banned.
We also found real interesting information on the youtube videos. We found some videos on what cigarettes do to a person and showed people who smoke (my mom, dad, gran) and they said how digusting it was but they didn't stop. The truth wasn't enough to make them give up their addiction.
Promotional advertising of cigareettes have been banned but the 'bad' people in movies nowadays smoke which loosing tranlates into that only 'bad/evil' people smoke and that appeals to the rebellion of teenagers and people who consider themselves daredevils or people that think they are 'cool' if they smoke and it doesn't affect them visibly. But of course it does.
Some videos also state that doctors smoke more than average people, and who wouldn't trust a doctor right?

Here are some really interesting youtube videos:

Goodluck everyone for the rest of your project, hope all goes well (:
See everyone on Monday.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nike shoes vs Clothing- Nicole V.

When Nike first developed in 1972, their main focus was footwear.Nike had gone around by word of mouth and produced these type of shoes:
Their shoes were mainly targeted at sports people such as athletes and soccer players. In those days Nike hadn't had official advertisements and had just sold it on the sidelines.Nike had started advertising in  the mid 1980's and business for Nike had started to grow.
Nike has changed drastically from the past - from the basic athletic shoe to it being a fashion accessory.

Getting Somewhere - Zayaan Sumsodien

Been working with the group (Nicole,Nabeelah M,Naadhira and Kamila) for a while and I feel as though we are actually getting somewhere.
Nike is surprisingly, a very interesting sports company to investigate as they apparently use sweatshops as their main manufacturing enterprise.

Have a look at the following picture:
This is a parody of Nike because it is mocking Nike and creating public awareness of their use of sweatshops.

Zayaan Sumsodien

Final Decision - Nicole Van Louw

Like I had mentioned in my previous blog, we were looking at new ideas and we finally came to a decision, which is the focus on Nike, a multinational company. We decided to look at different spheres of Nike. We found  it very useful because it is a very broad company to look at and the way it has evolved was very interesting, but what caught our attention is that once Nike became huge, they started using and abusing underprivileged women and children for their benefit by employing them in sweatshops.

When consumers started discovering Nike's use of sweatshops, they started boycotting this multinational company.
  Signs like these were seen all over e-mails and protesters started using it.Although many saw these and heard of it, they continued to purchase items from Nike as it was one of the best sport clothing manufacturer out there.

Nicole Van Louw

Sweatshop Shocker- Zayaan Sumsodien

Before this project, I had no idea of something called "sweatshops". Of course I knew that there were people out their being exploited but i hadn't known that it was this bad. Sweatshops have been in existence for a very long time and are most common in poor countries like Thailand and China but they occur all around the globe. What is sad, is that these people are not allowed to join any trade unions which leaves them with no hope to escape the bad conditions and exploitation.
When researching sweatshops, I had found that many clothing companies use sweatshops but that,Gap and Nike were the main perpetrators. It is sad that these companies make so much money but still don't pay their workers a fair wage and that they are also abusing children. Children shouldn't have to be working and this is where we got our slogan from:"Do it our way.Let our children play"

This project has turned out to be quite informative.

Zayaan Sumsodien


So, the holidays had begun and the advertising project was off to a very slow start. No one in our group had gotten any responses from any sports companies and we were feeling at a loss. We had originally decided to look at women in sports advertising and how it had changed from the past but had realized that getting information on it was very hard, especially since we got no responses. We then decided that focusing on a particular sports brand, like Nike would be a much better alternative.

Zayaan Sumsodien

“Do it our way. Let our children play.”

Hey everyone! We came up with a great slogan for Nike –“Do it our way. Let our children play.”
As most of you know, Nike uses sweatshops. The original Nike slogan of "Just do it"  is now changed to campaign against Nike sweatshops. We want children to play instead of working in sweatshops, hence our appropriate slogan. 
Our group has started our adverts which portray this slogan.
We also had a photo shoot of Kamila and Naadhira at the beach playing. The images of them playing portrays what the children working in sweatshops should be doing at their young age.
Creating the adverts were so much fun!
Nabeelah Mohamed

Yesterday, my group and i worked really hard on our oral and actually manged to come up with quite a number of interesting and scary factors while analysing various advertisments. For example, the corporation that we choose, they hardly use any African American models in their adds. also, there's a high sence of a sexual nature in nearly every advertisement, especially the more recent ones as u can see bellow.

Even though we know the image is suppose to be showcasing the clothes, sometimes its hard to read what message the company is trying to tell us


The Adventure continues @ Cavendish - Fatima Dollie

Hi everyone!
Meeting Nabeelah and Courtney at Cavendish was hilarious. We asked some people if they would help us with our project by giving their opinion on the woman in advertisements. With lots of "nos'", because some people are too busy, we finally got some views from teenagers. what we found out, was that the younger generation of today, compared to the older people, are more attracted to different media advertising aids because they can somewhat relate to them and can try to picture themselves, being that person in those adverts.

With different advertisements that are displayed in our everyday life, i can personally say that some do affect me and gives me second thoughts as to how much respect women get around the world.
Hello friends J

Our group is looking at the treatment of women in advertising. We have been experimenting with photography for the advertising part of our project. We are advertising our own brand of jeans, called H.A.R.T jeans, (Hannah, Ashley, Robyn, Tarryn). We are using different methods of advertising, opposing the popular, degrading techniques of the media.

We are emphasizing the comfort of our jeans by taking photographs of us doing day to day things in our jeans, being comfortable and having fun in them. We are opposing the appearance of models and sexuality used to sell jeans.

Methods of advertising often include; models showing a large amount of skin, (sometimes being portrayed half-naked), models being photographed in flirty or even sexual poses, using one part of the female body such as breasts or their bum to sell products, or woman becoming the product by use of computer techniques.  

We are surrounded by the images of ideal female beauty, it’s no wonder so many woman get the idea that what’s most important, is how we look.


Courtney & Nabeelah's adventure.

Good Morning everybody :)

How is beauty & the body portrayed in the media?
The images of female bodies are almost everywhere. Woman's bodies can sell anything from beer cans to cars. The standards of beauty are being imposed on many women today. The average women weighs 70KG's & the average height of a women is 162cm, while the average height  of a female model is 183-191 cm & the average weight is 49 KG - 56 KG.

Reality VS. Runway

& that's why today is the day that Courtney & I are making our home video about how women are being portrayed in the media & runway for one of the components of our group project. We are a bit hesitant on doing it, as we don't know what the outcome will be or how our interviewees will react.