Saturday, April 9, 2011


An 'aha' moment as Oprah would put it. I have been thinking, why do we have to be subjected to such bombardment constantly? I'm trying not to be bias, but who was the bright sparkie who came up with advertising of this controlling nature? Were we just completely just a bunch of vulnerable creatures who needed awakening?

Yes, it is an educational factor, but honestly, how far is it going to go? We see things like teenagers in Samoa who've recently been 'connected' to the outside world (and being influenced by western advertising) developing anorexia and bulimia to fit to this standard of perfection that is being portrayed. If only they could really see what they were doing to themselves.

At the risk of sounding too feminist, I say we females join up and take a stand against unforeseeable expectations of how we're supposed to look.
Yours with loving thoughts,

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