Sunday, April 10, 2011

Seen but not heard - Malisa Faustino

Interesting enough, as i was taking a break away from my preoject i decided to switch on the radio and just relax, without thinking about these upsetting advertisements. As i was just hearing all the songs that were playing, i decided to actually LISTEN for once at the lyrics being used in every song. The majority of the songs i heard we mainly about sex, women, and money and it was upsetting to hear this. It wasn't only the songs, it was the advertisements on the radio...the SEXPO advert and many more, which infact i noticed that they like to say words with double meanings.
It's amazing how, no one complains, no one shares their opinion (just like me), maybe its because we are scared, shy of what they will do or say? or is it because we just won't say anything because we know nothing will happen..?
Yes, the whole point of these sorts of adverts are to catch a certain age group's attention but i don't think its appropriate at all for the youth and generation to come.
They say that adverts or songs dont force a person to be influenced because, after all, you have a choice, and you chose to listen to these sources and be influenced.

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