Hey guys. :)
So I've come to the end of this project, I've just finished making my advert, and I found that I actually really enjoyed it. I had originally had a pretty negative attitude towards the prjoect as it was really big, but as I worked through it I found it was quite fun.
Through the research I did when looking for information and ideas for my advertisement, I realized just how ignorant and weak people must have been under cigarette advertising, and how manipulative advertisers were, making something so harmful seem so inviting.
Malboro used "The Malboro Men" to advertise their cigarettes. They were three different men, who all eventually died of lung cancer. Oh the irony.
There are many clever anti smoking posters and campaigns on the internet which was helpful. I found that most promotion of anti smoking is heavily satirical and makes fun of smokers in a clever way, showing how smokers take no notice of the damage they are doing to themselves.
I discovered a website for art and design pieces, and found that someone had actually used the idea of anti smoking as their theme. They designed cigarette boxes which make you not actually want to buy them.
How ironic, my dad just lite a cigarette in the other room. When will people learn?
Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying the "holidays"
Frankie. :)
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