Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nearly finished!

Wow, it has taken me about 15 minutes to work out how to create a blogpost! Either I'm blind or these holidays have seriously gotten to my head and I've become computer illiterate. But I'm finally on. YAY!

The past two weeks have been so much fun. My group have really gotten into this project, especially when creating our own advertising campaign! Getting my family members involved in the advertising campaign has also made me really excited to see the outcome of this project.

Before this project I never really thought about how women were portrayed in advertising and the effects it has in society. My thoughts were usually, "wow, I want to look and be exactly like her", but now when looking at it into more detail I realise that, yes, I'm not perfect and I will never look that way, but I'm great just the way I am.
With most women's negative attitude and response to 'raunchy' adverts of women, I am glad I don't look that way! Another thing that was a real eye-opener was that now in society a new outlook on women's shapes and sizes is being put into play. Positive messages are being sent out to women saying that size doesn't really matter anymore. Although magazines and tabloids are still encouraging the "stick figure" look, women are fighting back! An example of this is the new Levi's clothing line called Curve ID. This is basically what my group's project revolves around and we will be speaking more about it on Monday.

I am so grateful to have been given this project because I'm accepting myself and my unique shape:)

So that was just a little Ashley inspiration speech and now I have to go and finish off the rest of the project.
Hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday and I will see you on Monday.
I'm also trying to forget the fact that we have an oral for the first day of school which is making me nervous as hell!

Ash :)

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