Thursday, April 7, 2011

Courtney Fritz - DISAPPOINTED

After my adventure to cavendish with members from my group I am amazed at how little people, well to be more specific, women of our society have so little to say about something that involves them.

I stood there begging and pleading witht them to give some kind of comment about how they feel about how advertising has evolved, but most of them, almost all, gave me inaddequate excuses. I must say the worst excuse we recieved was the fact that a manager of a shop politely asked us to return the following day so that she can have a chance to do her hair for the interview. Yes - we were stunned too.

Im actually so frustrated because women in our society see what we as young teenagers go through wanting to be that slimmer/perfect, what we will do to achieve it, or even sometimes what many of them would like for themeselves or even a close friend is going through and yet, they have nothing to comment! All we do is sit back and critisize our own society! We have so much to say but do so little - if not nothing at all!

During the Civil Rights Movement, women fought for everything they deserved and now? Now our society has become too layed back and accepting of things they know they disagree with. I interviewed two guys round our age and they had more to disagree about women in advertising than the women themselves. Look, I'm not saying evryone disagrees but seriously?
I am very dissapointed in the outcome we obtained. I was prepared for rejection but not that many, especially about such a big situation!

Older women even girls are exposed to images like this ON THE INTERNET:
These images pop up on their internet pages and they're telling me that they don't ask themselves what their husbands/children/boyfriends/girlfriends think of adverts like this one? And this doesn't bother them?  And they think they're not involved?
There are so many internet sites with so much information about women in advertising and nothing has changed for so long! Young girls, toddlers look up to people on billboards, in advertsing. This affects everyone and yet women have nothing to comment! I know I've genralised in most of my sentences and I'm sorry it just seems as if no one has actually taken a step back and said to themeselves, "wow, is this what we're becoming?" - I won't lie, I sat back too but this project has really opened my eyes too alot. I guess that saying is true. You never do anything about something until it happens in your own home.

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