Monday, April 4, 2011

Nabeelah Orrie

During the task of this project I have almost unveiled the curtain in front of my eyes, to look deeper in what I see as a poster for companies world wide. Usually you think 'perfect skin, perfect body and perfect face' but you never realize "PHOTOSHOP".  It creates complexes which girls or women shouldn't have , people shouldn't base what they see in adverts in reality, as they will NEVER find what they're looking for.
People are basing beauty on what they see on runways, but after the show models look the same as anyone else. 

Looking through many websites I have come across "SAPAC" which stands for Sexual Assault and Awareness Center and it raises a certain topic found in modern advertising, which is sexism in advertising. The main idea for "SAPAC" is to raise the awarness of sexism in advertising campaign and to educate the ignorant. It also has a gallery of advertisements which has headings showing the positive advertisements with a caption as well as the negative.

It explains what modern advertising  does to women.
- degrades women that reduces them to only being a mere body part.
- makes a set image of beauty which is almost impossible for most to attain.
- creates gender based violence.
"The models face and neck have been cropped from view, rendering her person to a gaunt torso and stocking-clad legs.  In the background lie scattered Polaroids that objectify the model’s individual parts.  With the emphasis on black clothing, passive positioning, and the skull and crossbones on the male model’s shirt, the viewer cannot help but equate this picture of passivity with glamorized death." - SAPAC

"This ad drives home the notion that women are out of place in the Western historical context.  The frailty of her position and vulnerability in her shy attempt to cover herself complete the sexist nature of this ad." - SAPAC   

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